NAPDDR SCHEME ACTION PLAN FOR DRUG DEMAND REDUCTION: (Supported by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India) DOVE's commitment to combating substance abuse and addiction was manifested through our comprehensive intervention programs, Through DDAC District De Addiction Centres and IRCAs Integrated Rehabilitation Centres: DDAC – District De Addiction Centre Alwal of Medchal Malakajgiri District, of Telangana We are running the District De Addiction Centre a
IPSrC INTEGRATED PROGRAMME FOR SENIOR CITIZENS (Old Age Home) at Nirmal, Telangana There has been a study rise in the population of Senior citizens in India. The number of elderly persons has increased from 1.98 Cr. in 1951 to 10.38 Cr. in 2011. The projections indicate that the number of Senior citizens will increase to 14.3 crore by 2021. In recent times, society is witnessing decline of the joint family system, as result of which a large number of parents are being neglected by the
Social Action Programme: We organized Awareness camps on “Digital Payments”, “Swatch Bharat” Mission, Gender sensitization, Girl Child Education, Nutrition Education programme, etc. and also organized capacity building programmes, and welfare programmes to Disabled persons, Old age people, and Youth. We are conducting Tailoring Training, Embroidery training, Mirror work, Zari work training programmes were provided to BPL women members and credit linkage was arranged through Banks for
SAVE WATER CAMPAIGN (Jaldoot Programme): With the financial aid from NABARD, DOVE organized “Save Water Campaign 2017“in Vikarabad and Sanga Reddy Districts. In this Programme we have developed Awareness on Water budgeting in the village (Required water Vs Available water in the village) Sock pits, Rain water harvesting pits in the households, Tanks renovation, Form ponds, Chanels/ Guilles / Nala clearing, artificial Open wells and bore Wells recharges, Soil moisture conservation, Small Wa
PMKSY (IWMP)-INTEGRATED WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME DOVE Implementing TWO IWMP Watersheds under PMKSY under IWMP Batch V & VI, one is at Tamsi B watershed of Tamsi Mandal Adilabad District, Telangana. The area of the Watershed is 4020 Ha covering 11 villages and the total budget is Rs. 603 lac. and Second IWMP Watershed is at Palsi- B of Talamadugu Mandal of Adilabad District, Telangana. The area of the Watershed is 4981 Ha covering 6 villages and the total budget is Rs. 7.47 co
CONSTRUCTION OF IHHLS (Toilets) ODF Village: The Government of Telangana has decided to declare all villages as ODF by end of October 2018. To achieve the goal towards ODF, construction activities of IHHLS needs to be accelerated. In this connection DOVE Constructed IHHLS (Toilets) in Four villages i.e Verareddy pally, Rampur, Rampur Thanda and Rampur Lower Thanda of Tandur Mandal of Vikarabad District and declared these Four villages ODF villages during this year with the Financial assi
WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT FUND PROGRAMME (WDF): DOVE has been successfully implementing the Watershed programmes with the kind assistance of NABARD. With NABARD assistance, we are implementing WDF (Water Shed Development Fund) programmes at Koher and Jharasangam Mandals of Medak District, Tandur Peddemul, Bantawarm and Basheerabad Mandal of Vikarabad / Ranga Reddy with people’s participation. The objectives of this programme are (a) to improve water table levels by constructing dif
Farmers Producers Organizations / Companies Programme (FPO): DOVE is involving in promotion and formation of Farmers producers Companies (FPOs) and Registered with Registrar of Companies with the NABARD Assistance in Vikarabad / Ranga Reddy and Medak districts of Telangana and provided training and Exposer visits to these organizations and arranged credit linkage from Banks. Under this programme six FPC/Os was registered in Registrar of Companies, 4 FPOs in Vikarabad District and 2 FPOs in S
NABARD Climate Proofing project (CPP project): During the Year NABARD has sanctioned Two Climate Projects was sanctioned, one is at Vikarabad District and another project is at Sangareddy District of Telangana State. The main Objectives of the Project are: Improving adaptation to climate variability/ change in farm sector with better management and maintenance of soil and water regime enabling better crop / pasture land productivity and resultant increase in income of small and
NABARD- SDP Project (Sustainable Development Plan): Keeping in view the livelihood issues faced by the farmers and distress encountered in the dryland / rain-fed areas, there is a need to prepare Sustainability Development Plan (SDP ). This is required not only to ensure sustainability of such institutions but also to facilitate Judicious and sustainable use of conserved natural resources by the watershed community for enabling increased farm income and creation of livelihood opportunities i
NABARD TDF Project (Tribal Development Fund Programme) DOVE is implementing the comprehensive Tribal development Project under NABARD TDF programme in Peddemul Mandal of Ranga Reddy district, for 558 Tribal Families through “WADI” (Orchard development) approach involves the following components. Orchard development (fruit/ plantation/herbal crops & forest plants) as the core component Soil conservation. Water Resources Development / management (conservation and use)
CPLI- Community Based Peer-Led Intervention Project for Early Drug Use Prevention among Adolescents [gallery ids="751,570,16,741"] As per the 2019 National Survey report, In India 16 Cr persons consume alcohol, 3.1 cr use Cannabis and 2.26 Cr use Opioids. More than 5.7 Cr individuals are affected by harmful or dependence on alcohol and need help for their alcohol use problem, about 25 lakh suffer from cannabis dep
INTEGRATED PROGRAMME FOR SENIOR CITIZENS: ( Old Age Home) We are running a senior Citizens Home at Hyderabad for 50 Elderly Women, Tandur of Vikarabad District and Nirmal, Telangana. With the main objective is to improve the Quality of life of the Senior Citizens by providing basic amenities like shelter, food, medical care and entertainment/recreation opportunities with free of cost in Home based approach for 50 Elderly Women at Hyderabad and 25 destitute elders Senior Citizens at Tandur
INTEGRATED REHABILITATION CENTER FOR ADDICTS (IRCA): DRUG-DE-ADDICTION PROGRAMME Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Addicts (IRCA), under the Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse–Supported by Ministry of Social justice and Empowerment, Government of India, New Delhi. Under this Programmme Presently, we are running Four Centers - 4 IRCA centers (15-Bedded Drug De-Addiction Treatment-cum-Rehabilitation
NABARD - KFW SOIL PROJECT: With the Kind support from NABARD, Two KFW Soil Projects (Edulapally and Manthatty of Vikarabad District) were implementing. The goal of this program is “integration of watershed development programme activities towards rehabilitation of degraded Soils and building climate resilience by improving adaptive capacities of the communities against changing climate in the watershed” Improving adaptation to climate variability/change in farm sector wi
I am very much impressed the work done by DOVE in remote villages for the wellbeing of weaker sections, downtrodden, Alcohol and Drug Addict people. It gives immense pleasure for me to see the activities of DOVE. The Organization, which is committed, can deliver the goods effectively to the maximum satisfaction of the beneficiaries. I appreciate the efforts made by DOVE organization in Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse in Telangana State. I am congratulating the managing committee and hundreds of workers in DOVE organization.
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